Esteem for Ethnic Studies


| ES News

From left, Odo family members Sarah (niece), Alan (brother) and David (son); State Sen. Carol Fukunaga; Ethnic Studies faculty Davianna McGregor, Rod Labrador and Ty Tengan; and attorney William Kaneko, Odo's former student.
From left, Odo family members Sarah (niece), Alan (brother) and David (son); State Sen. Carol Fukunaga; Ethnic Studies faculty Davianna McGregor, Rod Labrador and Ty Tengan; and attorney William Kaneko, Odo's former student.

On March 31, 2023, both chambers of the Hawaiʻi State Legislature paid homage to the groundbreaking efforts of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Ethnic Studies Department (ES) and one of the program’s early directors, Franklin Odo, and his colleagues.

The House of Representatives issued a resolution recognizing the department and its leadership – past and present – for its achievements in bringing the state to the forefront of academic and cultural conversations surrounding the issues of social justice and race relations. Acknowledged for their tremendous impact on the department were Franklin Odo; current ES faculty Roderick N. Labrador, Davianna Pōmaika‘i McGregor, Ethan Caldwell, Monisha Das Gupta, Ulla Hasager, Richard C. Rath and Ty P. Kāwika Tengen; and emeritus faculty Ibrahim G. Aoude, Noel Kent and Jonathan Y. Okamura.


Read the full article at CSS News, College of Social Sciences.